An Easy Way to Store Your Zippers by Gina's Craft Corner
I'm getting ready to start my 6th month running my Etsy Shop, GCCginascraftcorner. December was my best month yet, however most of my orders have not been filled! I have 7 bags to make over the next month and a half, so while I have a couple days off I thought I would get my supplies organized.

I also decided to use these containers, which were full of jewelry making supplies, and exchange them out for my bag hardware. I still need to wipe off the old labels. Hopefully some rubbing alcohol will take care of that.
For my B-Day, I purchased a container to hold all my thread. They were taking up a lot of space on my sewing table. Love it!!
Hopefully this will get you in the mood to do some organizing before you get back to your sewing projects that are probably piling up after Christmas break.
I hope you all had a great Christmas! Best wishes in the new year! :)
The biggest problem I wanted to tackle were my zippers! How do you store your zippers? Mine have just been thrown in a box like this far WAY to long. I found an easy fix using these binder clips, push pins and a bulletin board.

Such a simple idea, but oh so helpful!
I also decided to use these containers, which were full of jewelry making supplies, and exchange them out for my bag hardware. I still need to wipe off the old labels. Hopefully some rubbing alcohol will take care of that.
Hopefully this will get you in the mood to do some organizing before you get back to your sewing projects that are probably piling up after Christmas break.
I hope you all had a great Christmas! Best wishes in the new year! :)
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