New Year's Blowers for Kids in 6 Easy Steps

We experimented with different types of paper for this craft and different lengths of the blower.
Paper Options: Scrapbook paper &/OR Wrapping Paper
Straws-cut to 6"
Scotch Tape
Rubber Band (Optional)
1. Cut your paper of choice to 6"x2"
2. Fold in half lengthwise to create a center line
3. Fold long edges in to meet at the center line you created in step 2
3. Tape shut with scotch tape.
4. Roll up paper around straw tightly.
5. Secure the roll with a rubber band. If you make this the day before that works fine. If this is a last minute project don't worry about it. I skipped this step and the girls have still enjoyed blowing on them. I will used the rubber band method when I make some fresh, (non slobbery) ones for the real party for our little guest.
6. Secure one end of the paper to a straw with Scotch tape. (no air pockets)
That is it!!
It's amazing what simple things will put a smile on a little one's face! My girls love these!

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